Easy Vegan Gingersnap Cookies

Easy Vegan Gingersnap Cookies

These easy one-bowl vegan gingersnap cookies are up there on the list of classic and best holiday cookies along with gingerbread cookies and crinkle cookies. They have a lovely spiced flavour similar to gingerbreads. Without the extra time it takes to make them. They’re crisp …read more

Vegan Halloween Sugar Cookies

Vegan Halloween Sugar Cookies

A simple recipe for vegan Halloween sugar cookies to wrap up the month of October! A little Nightmare Before Christmas, maybe a little more Beetlejuice. Regardless, they’re pretty easy to make (compared to the Halloween cake anyway) and come out perfectly crisp, yet are also …read more

Vegan Brown Sugar and Raisin Scones

Vegan Brown Sugar and Raisin Scones

These customizable and deliciously tender vegan brown sugar and raisin scones are great for breakfast (albeit not that healthy) or dessert. Feel free to experiment with different add-ins like dried cranberries or apricots, pecans, pepitas or anything that suits your fancy. And may I suggest …read more

Vegan Coconut Macaroons

Vegan Coconut Macaroons

These vegan coconut macaroons (yes, macaroons not macarons) are delicious, packed with coconut flavour and super easy to make. And if you want a little something extra you can even add a few chocolate chips in the middle while you’re scooping like I did with …read more

Vegan Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

Vegan Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

These vegan chocolate crinkle cookies are the bomb dot com. So if you have no idea what to bring to a potluck, party, friend’s house or anything in between, make these! They’re a crowd pleaser and are ready in no time. Plus, you’ll have people …read more